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What makes my cookie decorating classes unique?

When I set out to create online cookie decorating classes in April of 2022, I wanted to create a resource that was approachable, accessible, and unique to my style.

Decorating cookies with royal icing can be such a fun activity, but it can also be very frustrating and tears-inducing (believe me, I’ve been there!).

I’m completely self-taught (when I started decorating 10+ years ago, my primary resources were blog posts and YouTube videos). Now that I’m in a position to teach what I’ve learned, it’s my goal to make this a smoother and easier process than if you were to embark on this on your own.

So, let’s talk about some of the biggest reasons why my classes are unique and stand out amongst other cookie decorating class offerings.


I focus on providing the highest quality resources

The biggest focus of my teaching is attention to detail. I take the time to explain everything, in addition to answering as many follow-up questions as I can anticipate.

When you purchase one of my classes, you’ll receive access to a 40+ page PDF workbook and a private class video (the link of which is located within the workbook).

WORKBOOK: If you read through the reviews on my classes, you’ll see that many people say the class price is worth it just for the workbook. The workbook lays everything out step-by-step so you can stress less and have more fun! Believe me, this workbook is more extensive than any other on the market.

CLASS VIDEO: And then there’s the class video: all of my classes (aside from the first 5 that I ever did) are pre-recorded, but they don’t have a pre-recorded feel. That is because I film the classes *as if* they were live. I film them in one take, only making significant edits after the fact if I forget to say something important (which happens, I’m human!). So many people have said it’s just like I’m in the room with them. My mom loves that she gets to spend the afternoon with me ;)

As long as you know what you get when you purchase one of my classes — yes, you have to bake your own cookies and make your own icing (make sure you check out the FAQs page), you won’t regret it!


My classes are designed to be economical and cater specifically to home bakers

I spend a lot of time designing my classes because I want to make sure that every decision is intentional and has a purpose.

I do my best to simplify and streamline every aspect of the process, from how many cutters are required, to the number of colors, consistencies, special tools, and decorations. For example:

  • If I include a sprinkle, it’s because I think it makes a difference.
  • I limit my beginner classes to 3-4 colors, and my more advanced to 5-6 (whenever possible) 
  • A lot of my classes use just one shape: at this point, I think it’s safe to say I’m a bit of a pioneer in the cookie world for making entire sets and classes with just one shape.
  • My beginner classes (for the most part) use just ONE icing consistency.

In my newer workbooks, I have also added a section called “How to save money” where I outline ways to reduce cookie decorating costs, both in general and specific to the class purchased.

All of these careful considerations mean that you won’t spend any unnecessary time prepping or overspending on supplies.


The most beginner friendly classes on the market

All of my “beginner” classes require the least amount of time and resource investment of any other beginner classes on the market.

Here’s why - with a couple exceptions, most of my beginner classes:

  • Use one shape (less money spent on cutters)
  • Use one icing consistency (less time spent prepping)
  • Use little to no extra tools or decorations (less money spent on tools and decorations)
  • Employ simple and economical designs (maximum impact with minimum time)
  • Include tips to further save on time and money where possible

I truly believe you won’t find a more beginner-friendly cookie decorating class on the market. If you’ve found a better one, please let me know!


You can get something valuable from every one of my classes, no matter your skill level

For beginner cookiers: although my “beginner” classes are specifically catered to those with less experience and fewer tools in their possession, I provide the same amount of prep support and detailed instruction for every single one of my classes. The biggest difference with my more advanced classes is that they require more tools and materials to make the more complex designs. If you’re willing to invest in the material cost, you can take a more advanced class, even if you’ve never decorated a cookie before!

For intermediate/advanced cookiers: I pride myself on being able to simplify designs down to the very essence. Less is more! In that way, more advanced cookiers will still find value in my beginner level classes because they are all designs I would make myself. If you need to crank out a large volume of cookies, you will find that these simple yet high quality designs will be a life saver! And you will likely find something interesting in my teaching as well - no two cookiers are the same, and it can be really valuable to learn different approaches!


Classes for every occasion

I offer a wide variety of themes in my classes, and I’m always working on more! You can find a class for just about any purpose: 

  • Holidays, seasons and major occasions, such as Christmas & Halloween, fall & winter, and bridal shower & graduation. 
  • And the just-for-fun themes, like Barnyard Animals and Plants. 
  • A variety of skill leves from complete beginner (never worked with royal icing before) to intermediate (years of experience). 
  • These classes make the perfect activity to do with kids, in a small group of friends, date night, or as a solo hobby. 
  • Plus a range of time and financial investment to choose from (beginner classes have the least, while intermediate classes tend to have the most). 

Because of how simplified and approachable my classes are, they’re really great for a variety of occasions!


My #goodenough attitude

If you’ve taken any of my classes already, you’ll know what I mean.

As a recovering perfectionist, it’s been my own personal journey to channel a #goodneough attitude when it comes to my cookie decorating.

Decorating cookies with royal icing is already stressful enough, why make it harder on yourself?

I always say at the beginning of my classes there are two ways to take my classes:

  1. Aim to do everything exactly as I do it
  2. Aim to have fun and learn something new

And I ALWAYS encourage everyone to go with #2.

When you’re first starting out, your cookies probably aren’t going to look like mine! I may make it look easy, but that’s because I’ve been working with this medium for more than a decade. Even though my classes offer some of the most detailed instructions on the market, there is absolutely no substitute for time and practice.

If you’re aiming to improve your cookie skills, I encourage you to make notes of what went well and what didn’t go well each time you practice, so that next time you decorate you’ll know where and how to improve.

I teach you how to learn and fix your mistakes. Throughout the classes, I will intentionally (or sometimes unintentionally) make a mistake, so that I can show you how to fix it. Many happy customers have written to tell me how much they appreciate that I do this!

Most importantly, I just want you to have fun. Decorating cookies is my personal happy place, and I want it to be YOURS too!


What’s the difference between my online classes and my free content?

YouTube Tutorials

Our YouTube tutorials show you just one cookie at a time with a voiceover. There are no additional resources included with the video.


The paid classes include a 1-3 hour class video (anywhere from 3 to 12 cookies in a set) and a fabulous 40-90 page workbook (many people have said the class is worth the price just for the workbook!)

The workbook includes at least:

  • step-by-step written instructions for each cookie with photos and descriptions 
  • 10+ pages of instruction on icing prep
  • money saving tips
  • a detailed checklist for everything you need to prep before starting the class
  • a printable practice sheet that is used during the class

Things the class video includes that you won’t get from our YouTube tutorials:

  • Instruction on technique, like how to cut and hold icing bags
  • Piping practice
  • Decorating an entire set of cookies simultaneously, jumping around between cookies so that all cookies will be done at the same time, just a like an in person class!
  • Pauses to explain different techniques
  • Answers to ALL of your questions on the private YouTube link (we aren’t able to answer every question on our public YouTube videos)

The class recording is very different from the YouTube tutorial: it starts with how to cut/hold the bags, piping practice and then the decorating is done jumping around steps in different cookies so they’re all done at the same time (just like I would decorate myself). The recording is much longer as I’m demonstrating different techniques and pausing to explain things (much more information than I can give in the YouTube tutorials that don’t stop). The videos are all private YouTube videos and I do welcome questions in the comments section which I always answer (on my public YouTube I’m not able to answer all questions).

Yes, I still offer a lot of resources free to the public on my blog and various social media platforms. But the difference here is that by purchasing one of my classes you are purchasing the convenience of me laying everything out step-by-step, imparting years of knowledge and exhaustive detail about every aspect of the process.


Unlimited downloads and time to access resources

Most classes place a limit on the number of times you can download the workbook and/or the amount of time you can access the resources. 

Not my classes!

You can download the workbook as many times as you want and have access to the workbook and YouTube video for forever (at least for now!). 


My classes may NOT be right for you if…

While I’m incredibly proud of the classes that I offer and I firmly believe they are worth the money (and then some), everyone has a different learning style and my teaching style might not be a good match for you!

For example, if you're looking for brief, simple instruction that focuses on the design but not so much on technique, my classes might not be for you. I provide a lot of detailed information in all of my written and video material. Why? To anticipate all of the follow-up questions that I know are coming (I've taught enough in-person and live online classes to know what these are!). For some, this approach is too overwhelming. And that's ok! Everyone has different needs.

Things that can also factor into your class preference:

  • Decorating style
  • Skill levels offered
  • Delivery platform (workbook/YouTube video vs. contained platform)
  • Community style (Facebook vs YouYube)
  • Supplies provided (or not)
  • Online or in person 
  • Live or pre-recorded 
  • International student focus 

I will absolutely not be offended if you prefer a different teacher’s classes!

That said, I do ask that you read the FAQs page of my website before purchasing a class so that you completely understand what you are paying for, as we do not offer refunds on classes as company policy.

To each their own! Truly. I’ve taken a few classes myself in the last couple of years, and I’ve loved some of the classes I’ve taken and very much thought others were a waste of my money. Do what's right for you!